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6th October 2023 | Newsletter

Nasal Flu Vaccination

You will receive an email with an online consent form for the annual nasal flu vaccinations. These will be taking place in school on Monday 23rd October. Please be aware that you must fill in the form to agree to the vaccination or refuse the vaccination.

Co-op Champion Co-op Champion

*Darius *Aroua *Jack *Alex *Khadijah *Vanesa *Lynda *Kai *Mariam *Cezara *Fikunmi  *Renesmay *Yoel *Desire

Card Payments
We are pleased to say the school office can now accept card payments. This will be for all payments: dinner money, school trips and residential. 

Dinner Money
If you pay for your child’s school dinner, please make sure you are up-to-date with payments. 

School Library
Next week, all children will visit our new library and bring home their first school library book. As a school, we have invested a lot of time and money into buying books for the library, so we really appreciate the effort everyone takes in looking after them. Please make sure your child returns their school library books on the following days:
Mondays: 5D/K and 4C
Tuesdays: 6G and 5C
Wednesdays: 6S/B, 4G and 1W
Thursdays: 1A, 2M and 3T
Fridays: 2RM and 3G

Dates for the diary
Monday 9th October, 2:30 pm - we are holding a Year 6 parents information session about the KS2 SATs, looking at Maths and how you can support your child. All year 6 parents are welcome. Please come to the main reception where you will be shown to the hall. This session will be led by Miss Shanks and Miss Bryden.

Wednesday 18th October, 2.30 pm - All Reception and Year 1 parents are invited to a phonics information session. We will be holding these throughout the year to show you what your child will learn in phonics throughout Reception and Year 1. This session will be run by Mrs Carne and Mrs Merrill.

School Photographs 
The school photographer will be in school on Wednesday 25th October. Please can your child wear their school uniform and their best smile.

Upcoming class assembly
6SB’s class assembly is on Monday, 9th October. All parents and carers are welcome. The assembly will start at 9.00 am. 

As the weather gets colder, please can you make sure children are coming to school with coats. 

Year 6 High School Forms
The deadline for high school forms is 31st October 2023, and please make sure all forms are submitted by this date. If you need any support, please reach out to Mrs Macdonald or Miss Hughes.

Have a lovely weekend :o)