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8th September 2023 | Newsletter

Welcome back

It has been great to have all the children back in school this week, the atmosphere around school has been exceptional. Most children are in the playground in their lines each morning ready to start their learning. Most children are in smart uniforms which is great to see. A warm welcome to all our new Nursery and Reception children and parents who are new to Brownhill. It has been wonderful seeing their smiling faces coming each morning.

New members of the team

We have some new faces in school over the summer holidays. Miss Hughes is our new Attendance Lead, if you need any support with attendance please come in and introduce yourself she will be happy to help. Miss Celino is our new deputy designated safeguarding lead, and Mrs Stewart is our new safeguarding lead. Again please come and introduce yourself to the team if you need any help or support.

We have two new teachers who have also joined our team, a big welcome to Mrs Arif who is teaching in Year 1 and Mrs Kang who is teaching in Year 5 (Wednesday-Friday). 

Change of address, email or phone number

It is important that you keep us up to date with any changes you may have had over the summer, if you need to update any information please contact the school on 01132489539.

School Dinners 

Just a reminder that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a universal free school meal. Children in Nursery will need to pay £2.10 per day for a school meal and children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will need to pay £2.45 per day for a school meal, money should be paid at the main school office.

Ofsted Report

You should have received a copy of our new Ofsted report yesterday, we are delighted with the report, and we think it really showcases the wonderful attitudes of the children and Brownhill and the excellent progress they have all made. We are very proud of the report. If any parents would like to discuss anything in the report please feel free to come into school, and we will be happy to answer any questions.