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5th March 2021 | Newsletter

5th March 2021 | Newsletter

Co-op Champions.

*Lauren *Rhys *Jason *Zahra *Kaidan *Stefan *Asiya *Madison *Zayan *Leyla *Arya *Bella *Aabidah *Emelia

** It is very important that all Chrome books are returned to school on Monday the 8th so that your child can continue to use them in class to aid their work **

I hope that your last week of remote learning has been enjoyable and It is great news that we will be opening the school to all pupils on Monday 8th March. We must however continue to take a cautious approach and continue to implement the measures that have been in place since September to avoid the spread of COVID. In summary, the following measure will be in place from Monday;

*Children will have their own equipment or where equipment needs to be shared they will be disinfected or quarantine between use.

*Children in Year 2 to 6 will have forward facing desks which will be regularly cleaned during the school day.

*Children to come in their PE kits on their day for PE avoiding the need to bring additional clothes from home. 

*Children will remain in year group bubbles and have dedicated zones to play and dedicated toilet and cloakroom areas.

*All pupils will eat lunch in their classrooms. (New school lunch available)

* Playtimes and lunchtimes are staggered and all children have separate zones on the playground. 

* Pupils in Year 4 to 6 will enter via the main school gate and parents and carers are kindly asked not to join them in the school grounds.

*Pupils in Nursery to reception are permitted to bring their child onto the playground but are now asked to wear a face covering.

*Staggered start and finish times have been arranged to limit the number of adults in and around the school building at any one time. Please keep to these times. 

*Visitors onto the school site will be limited and we kindly request that you make an appointment if you wish to speak to a member of staff. 

*Rooms will be ventilated with windows and door open throughout the day.

Whilst these measures do not create any guarantees they go a substantial way to reducing the amount and number of contacts during a school day. 

Staggered Start and Finish Times 

Reception: Start 9:00 Finish 3:00

Year 1:       Start 8:50 Finish 2:50    /    Year 2:       Start 8:55 Finish 2:55

Year 3        Start 8:45 Finish 2:45    /    Year 4:       Start 8:50 Finish 2:50

Year 5:       Start 8:55 Finish 2:55    /    Year 6:       Start 8:45 Finish 2:45

School Meals

I wanted to let you know that over the Summer we began work on building a brand new school kitchen. This work has now been completed which is excellent news and means that school meals will now be freshly prepared on-site. We are working hard to ensure that school meals are of the best possible quality and with our new improved kitchen we now have the facilities to produce a healthy and varied menu.  Why not have a look at the new menu on our website.

Parent Consultations

Links to book your child’s virtual parent consultations will be sent to all parents via their recorded email on Monday 15th March. Please make sure school has your correct email to avoid missing out on this opportunity to speak to your child’s class teacher about their learning.

Make and take Meals.

Have you got the cooking bug after Mr Haige-Scotts breakfast cook this morning? If so why not consider joining an online batch cookery class. This is available for all local families and covers three sessions. Places are available starting Wednesday 24th March and Thursday 25th March from 10:30am -12pm. All ingredients for cooking for a family of 4 will be provided free. If you would like to book a place contact or call on 0113 240 6677

Red Nose Day

We will be celebrating red nose day on the 19th March but we are fully understanding of the restrictions which limit your ability to purchase red nose costumes. We will therefore be holding a non uniform day and request that where possible a small donation is brought into school to raise funds for this charity.

Finally, I want to thank you all again for your excellent support, resilience and determination during this latest lockdown. We really do work with some fantastic families.