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12th March 2021 | Newsletter

12th March 2021 | Newsletter

This week has been amazing. The school has been full of life with all our children back in classrooms. Playtimes have been energetic, lessons have
been lively and children have been superstars. They have settled really quickly into daily routines and again we are left feeling proud of them all. Well done Brownhill children you are fantastic.

Co-op Champions


*Alliyah-Rose *Riley  *Eslah  *Alfie  *Sola  *Leona  *Aseel  *Ezana  *Florivia  *Ameera  *Malachi *Alicia  *Melina  *Kyron

Parent Evening.


You will get an email on Monday with a link to book a virtual parents evening appointment. Appointments are for Tuesday 23rd March and Wednesday 24th March.

Your Voice Survey.

Every year the ‘Your Voice survey’ allows parents to share their views about school. Your views make a big difference and help us to keep getting better. You will have been sent a link to the survey through parentmail and you can also access it on the schools website.
Some of the changes that have happened in school because of your views are:
*Always good groups to reward children who always behave well
*Parentmail was introduced to improve the communication
*Coffee Mornings introduced so parents can come into school more often (Covid has spoilt this one a little bit)


Scooters and Bikes

Scooters and bikes can be brought to school and stored in the bike shed but must not ridden into school or on the playground. 


Please can all adults wear facemasks in the playground. Thank you.

Home test kits for families who attend school.

Follow the link if you would like more information about ordering covid test kits for you and your family.

Red Nose Day.


We will be having a non uniform day on Friday 19th March to celebrate. Donations are voluntary.

Cooking Breakfast with Mr Haigh-Scott.

Last week 22 families joined Mr Haigh-Scott in a live breakfast cooking session and made scrambled eggs. On Friday 19th at 7:45 he will be doing another live session and this time he will be cooking American pancakes. If you and your family would like to join him please fill in the form that you will have received via Parentmail. Remember you will need a parent to be there to help you.

Things you will need.