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23rd April 2021 | Newsletter

23rd April 2021 | Newsletter

Welcome back!

It has been an extremely positive start to the new term with pupils focused on learning and enjoying being back at school. Alongside the newsletter we have sent out a copy of the curriculum overview for your child’s learning this year. You can also visit our school website to find more detailed information on what will be taught in each of the subject areas. We hope this will help you to understand what your child is being taught and help you to support your child at home. 

After school clubs have started again this term and your child will be given the opportunity to attend a session before the end of the school term. We have also had the good news that we are now able to restart school day trips. Year 4 parents will receive a letter shortly about the return of swimming lessons. 

Anti Bullying survey.

Thank you to those parents who have given us feedback regarding our anti-bullying policy and practice. 

School uniform.

Please ensure that your child has the correct school uniform at all times including the days when they are wearing their PE kit. Below is a list to help you.

School uniform. – Yes!

Navy Blue jumper, plain or with the Co-op logo / Navy Blue cardigan, plain or with Co-op logo  

White/ blue polo shirt  / White shirt

Plain grey skirt / Plain grey shorts

Plain grey trousers / Blue gingham summer dress


No sports or design logos on clothing

No jeans

No other coloured dresses or tops

PE Uniform – Yes!

White t shirt  / White polo

Plain blue or black jumper / Blue or black plain tracksuit bottoms

Blue or Black plain leggings / Blue or black plain shorts


No football shirts

No sports logos

No jeans