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14th May 2021 | Newsletter

14th May 2021 | Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer

The rain has been a strong feature this week and although as adults we definitely do not enjoy getting wet,  I have been energised by watching children leaving school excited, jumping in the puddles, dancing  in the rain and enjoying getting wet. A reminder to us all how special childhood is.

Talking about learning at home is an essential way of showing your child that learning is important for them and to you. It can sometimes be difficult to know what questions to ask them, so we have put together a few questions that you might like to ask them which relate to their learning this week.

Year 1

What shape boat floated the best in your science experiment?

What sound does ea make in breakfast?

Year 2

What does the word roused mean?

Tell me what happens in the story the lighthouse keeper?

What do the letter cm mean when we talk about measurement?

Year 3

What is a force?

What is a biography?

Year 4

What is a one quarter if you write it as  a decimal?

What can you tell me about the vikings?

Year 5

How do we say cardigan/scarf/shirt in French?

What can you tell me about our solar system?

Year 6

How might smoking be harmful to the body?

How do you calculate the angles of a equilateral triangle?

Spare Uniform

If you have any uniform which is in good condition but no longer fits your child we would really appreciate it if you could bring it into school. We will then be able to wash it and redistribute it to families.

Thank you to those families who have already done this. Your support is appreciated.

National online safety

As a parent it is really hard to keep up to date With all the latest information about keeping your child safe online. The link attached will allow you  to create an account with the national online safety site and this will give you access to videos and resources which are designed to help you protect your children when they are online.

Mental Health

As a trust, we are developing a whole trust approach to mental health in partnership with Mind, the mental health charity.We are starting this by asking parents/carers in the school community to take part in a confidential mental health survey.

The survey is anonymous, and we won’t know who has said what. We will share the results with you and the rest of the school. We will be supporting individual schools, and the trust as a whole, to identify what is working well, and what needs to be implemented to better support and improve mental health.

It’s really important that everyone takes the survey. The more responses there are from across the school community, the more helpful the support provided will be. It should take about 10 minutes to complete: