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9th July 2021 | Newsletter

9th July 2021 | Newsletter

Co-op Champions

*Tracey  *Josh  *Bintou  *Messievie  *Latifa  *Jenny  *Shanice  *Sam  *Jamie-Leigh  *Alessio  *Evie  *Henos  *Ayumi  *Zain

Visit from the Co-op Ice Cream Van

Today we had a special visit from the Co-op Ice Cream van. Every pupil and staff member enjoyed an ice cream as a well done and thank you for working hard and being amazingly resilient this year. Thank you to our sponsor the Co-op for giving us this fantastic treat. 

Staggered starts and bubbles

Some parents have been asking if we will be changing our staggered starts and finish times and stopping year group bubbles in school after the 19th of July. We intend to keep both bubbles and staggered starts until the end of this academic year and we intend to return to normal school hours in September. From the 19th we will however be following new government guidelines around bubble closures and close contacts.

School dinner provider

In September we are moving to a new school lunch provider. We will have a new and exciting menu as well as a new lunchtime routine. Watch this space for more information!

Parent Governors

In June we asked parents to put in their applications to be parent representatives on our governing body. I would like to thank both of our successful applicants and welcome Mr Ismail Antulay and Mrs Catherine Raboteur to our governing body. 

Sports Days

Please can all children come to school in their PE kit for sports day. You may also want to send them with a sun hat, water bottle and also wearing sun cream. Unfortunately, this year due to Covid restrictions parents will not be able to attend. 

Year 5 and 6 Monday 12th July

Year 3 and 4 Tuesday 13th July

Year 1 and 2 Monday 19th July