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16th July 2021 | Newsletter

16th July 2021 | Newsletter

It is hard to believe we are in the last week of term. This year has certainly been challenging but your children have been fantastic throughout. We all feel extremely proud and privileged to have worked alongside them this year, watching them progress and learn despite the challenges.

During this final week of term, we will be keeping all of our current covid measures in place to ensure that children remain as safe as possible. Please check your parent mail accounts during the summer break as we will communicate more about September then. 

Sports Day

Typical, the rain came at the wrong time for us this week and the torrential rain prevented us from doing our KS2 sports days. 

We have now re-arranged them. Please allow your child to come to school in their PE kit on the correct day.

Year 1 & 2 Monday 19th July

Year 5 & 6 Tuesday 20th July

Year 3 & 4 Wednesday 21st July

Goodbye and Good luck

At this time of year, we often have to say goodbye to members of staff who are moving on to new jobs or new careers. I am sure you will join me in saying goodbye and good luck to Mr Hough,  Mr Haigh- Scott,  Mr Shaw and Mrs Arif. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication during your time at Brownhill. You will be missed. 

Spare/ used uniform.

I would like to say a huge thank you to those parents who have donated uniforms to school. All donated uniform is washed and given to families who need it. If you have any uniform please leave it at the school office or give it to a member of staff at the school gates. 

Chrome Books

If your child has a school chrome book at home please can you ensure that they are returned to school before Friday. Thank you

Message from Edward Powell chair of governors

Dear Brownhill,

The last year has been one of the most challenging for Brownhill, working out how we can look after one another, both in our learning and in caring for our wellbeing. It has been inspiring just listening to the level of support for one another coming from the Brownhill community. This really speaks of being co-op, succeeding together and showing we care.

As Chair of Governors, it has been an absolute pleasure to work with the other governors and Brownhill Leadership Team, to offer challenge and support and find solutions through a pandemic that has challenged us all. Whilst we may not always have been able to come into the building, Brownhill has come to us. And as we have come back together, Brownhill has opened up as quickly as safely possible. It is this level of dedication and cares for our young people which show Brownhill off best as a community.

I would like to say thank you and well done to our young people, whether learning in class or online. The dedication you have shown to learning is just brilliant. I look forward to seeing your work on the walls again. To our Year 6 pupils, well done! We wish you the very best of luck in your new school. We’re proud of you. To parents and carers, thank you. There have been lots of adjustments and challenges for you to cope with. Keeping your children engaged and passionate about learning has really helped them as they returned to school.

Finally, to our wonderful staff. Through many, many challenges, you have not just kept the Brownhill community afloat, you have helped us to grow. It has felt like each hour in each day has brought a new challenge. You have risen to it. I cannot thank you enough.

May I wish you all a restful and safe summer.

Kind regards,

Ed Powell