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30th September 2022 | Newsletter

30th September 2022 | Newsletter

Co-op Champion Co-op Champion 

*Malisha *Eyobel *Avraam *Robyn *Jamie-Leigh *Jacob *Mouhamed *Katrin *Jasmine *Melina *Yousif *Cezara *Zayyan *Alivia-Mae

Absence Matters and You Can Help!

Children fall behind in their learning when they miss school – whether they are absent for genuine reasons or not. You can have a big effect on your child’s attendance and we would appreciate all the support from you that we can. Remember to book all appointments with doctors and dentists outside of school hours, get to school on time and where children are a little bit under the weather but can still manage a day at school send them in and Trust that we will call you if we think they are not well enough. 

Robin Wood Year 6

Parents of pupils in Year 6 will soon be receiving a letter to inform them about our Year 6 Residential which will be from the 6th to 8th February. As an Academy, we heavilsubsidizese this trip but there’s still a charge of £100 per pupil which can be paid in installments.  We would really encourage you to think about sending your child as it is a fantastic opportunity for all pupils. 

Universal Free school meals For pupils in Reception Year 1 and Year 2

As you may be aware the Government introduced Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) in September 2014 to children in reception and years 1 and 2.

In order to promote and encourage all our children to take advantage of this free meal in school, we are holding a taster session on Thursday 6th October 2022. A themed menu (attached) is running on this day and we are asking that all children that currently bring a packed lunch into school try a school meal on this day. 

Please talk to your child and encourage them to participate; they can still bring their packed lunch with them but in addition, they can sample a small portion of the meal options available on this day.

If after the taster event your child would like to move onto the UIFSM then we will send home a meal change form for you to complete.

If you have any questions then please feel free to contact our school office. 

Dinners for Nursery and key stage 

Just a reminder that school dinners in years 3,4,5,& 6 are £12 a week unless you are entitled to Free school meals and £4.10 for children in Nursery. Please come into the Academy to pay for these meals. 

Enjoy your weekend, Brownhill