January Newsletter 2024
Co-op Champions
*Even *Abel *Malachi *Donai *Kyron *Ruben *Petru *Masoud *Ionathan *Chidalu *Fatma *Petros
Dates for the Diary:
Monday 13th January - Big Talk parent session in the hall from 9 am
2M Class assembly Monday 27th January from 9 am
1A Class assembly Monday 3rd February from 9 am
Year 6 residential Monday 3rd February to Wednesday 5th February
School closes for half term on Friday 14th February at 3.15 pm
Cold weather
We would like to extend a massive thank you for all the hard work parents made to get their children into school last week. The roads and pavements were very challenging, but as a school, we felt it was important that children were back in school learning after the Christmas break. We are hoping the weather will improve over the coming week and we can get back to our normal routine. We expect Monday morning to be a front door entrance again. Please make sure you check arbor as any changes to normal school will be communicated that way.
Last week the children stayed in for both break and lunchtime, we are hoping at some point this week children will be able to use the playground again. The temperature are meant to increase but the weather will still be cold, please make sure children are dressed correctly for the weather, coats, gloves, hats and scarfs. We have a small selection of winter coats in the community room, please speak to Mrs Rhodes-Hey or Miss Hughes if you need any support with uniform or coats.
It is really important for children to be in school on time every day; we understand that children get poorly from time to time, but if you feel like your child could be in school with medicine, please come and speak to us. Medication can be left at the main office as long as it is in the original packaging and container, the office will fill in a short form with you which gives us permission to give your child the medication. If your child is not fit to be at school, we will call you to come and collect them. Often children feel much better in school than at home as they are busy with their friends and school work.
Brownhill Community Shop
Our school shop is open again after the holiday, please drop by the office on a Monday or a Friday from 9-10 am or 2-3 pm. For £2 you can collect 15 items and for an additional £1 you can pick up 5 hygiene items. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.