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30th September 2024 | Newsletter

Dates for the Diary:
Whole school training day - Friday 4th October - school is closed to all pupils.
Monday 14th October - SEND coffee morning - Miss Graham will be sending more information out soon

Brownhill Community Shop
Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. The responses indicated that Mondays and Fridays are the most popular days for the shop to be open. Please look out for more information this week. We are hoping to open the shop on Monday, November 7th.

Parent Survey
Thank you to all the families who took the time to fill out last week's survey. We value your feedback so that we can ensure that our communication provides everything you need.

What we asked:
Do you know who to go to if you have an attendance issue in school?
What you said:
70% said, Miss Hughes
25% said the school office
5% said their child’s class teacher
What you should do:
When you call the school number now you will be given the option to speak to someone about attendance, this will put you through to Miss Hughes (Attendance support). Miss Hughes will speak to you about all attendance issues or queries you may have. If you come to the main office they will ask Miss Hughes to come out and speak to you. We think it is important for parents to have a specific person to speak to about attendance.

What we asked:
If you had a safeguarding concern, which staff members should you talk to?
What you said:
55% said the school office
25% said their child’s class teacher
10% said Miss Shanks
5% Miss Hughes
5% Miss Bryden
What you should do:
If you have any safeguarding concerns, you should try to speak to someone within the safeguarding team first. These are Mrs Stewart (Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Mrs Rhodes-Hey (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead). If you come to the main office, a staff member will find them for you. If they are unavailable, you can speak to Miss Shanks (Head of School) or Miss Hughes (Attendance and DDSL) about your concerns.
What we asked:
If your child has an issue in school, who should you speak to first as a parent?
What you said:
82% said your child’s class teacher
12% said the school office
3% said Mr Ingle
3% said Mr Walker
What you should do:
The class teacher should always be the first person you speak to. If issues persist after speaking to the class teacher, please come and speak to Mr Walker, Miss Bryden, Mrs Stewart, or Miss Shanks, who will all be happy to help. If the issue relates to behaviour, Mr Ingle and Mr Walker should be your next in line after the class teacher.

Operation Encompass
Our school setting is part of Operation Encompass, a national scheme operated jointly by schools and police forces. Operation Encompass involves reporting to schools prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has experienced domestic abuse.

As a school setting, we have ensured that a member of our staff (Designated Safeguarding Lead), known as a Key Adult, has been trained in the Operation Encompass procedures, allowing us to use then the information that has been shared in confidence to support the child/ren in our care.  

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 identifies children who experience domestic abuse as victims of domestic abuse in their own right. On 24 May 2024, Royal Assent was granted to The Victims and Prisoners Act. The Act placed Operation Encompass into Law. This places a statutory obligation on police forces to share Operation Encompass notifications with schools/educational settings.

We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils, and through Operation Encompass, we will be able to provide the best possible support to our children.

Have a lovely week :o)