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6th September 2024 | Newsletter

Co-op Champions
*Eduard-Denis *K'avalli *Samia *Jensen *Kevin *Suhaan *Micah *Kai*Yousuf * Lana *Isaac  
*Mariela  *Christina  *Hikma

Welcome back
Welcome back to a brand-new school year! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer break. Our students have returned full of energy, enthusiasm, and a readiness to learn, which has been wonderful. We are incredibly proud of how hard the children have been working and are confident this will be a fantastic year ahead. We have been incredibly impressed with all the children in uniform this week. It’s great to see everyone looking so smart and ready to learn. Let's keep up the excellent standard throughout the year!

Welcome to Our New Staff Members
We are excited about introducing some new faces to our school community this year:
Mr. Walker, Assistant Headteacher:
Many of you have already met Mr. Walker at the school gate this week. Mr. Walker joins us as our new Assistant Headteacher and will focus on behaviour and attendance. He’s looking forward to working closely with students and parents to ensure a positive and productive environment.
Miss Malone, Year 1 Teacher:
Miss Malone has joined our Year 1 team and is eager to support our youngest learners in developing their skills and confidence. 
Ms Playford, Year 2 Teacher:
Ms Playford is joining our Year 2 team. She has years of experience working with pupils in Key Stage One and we are really excited about her joining the Brownhill team.
Miss Clark and Miss Nader are joining our Teaching Assistant team in Year 6 and Nursery and welcoming Miss Price back.
Please join us in giving them a warm welcome!

After School Clubs
After-school clubs start again next week. You can sign your child up for a club using the Arbor app from 9.30 am on Friday, September 6th. 

The following clubs are:
Year 3 Multisports starting Tuesday 10th September and finishing on Tuesday 22nd October.
Y5 Multisports will start on Wednesday, 11th September, and finish on Wednesday, 23rd October.
Y2 Multisports will start on Thursday, 12th September and finish on Thursday, 24th October.
Y6 Football starts Friday, 13th September.

More clubs will be added soon.

High School Forms
High school applications will be sent out to you by Leeds City Council via email. You should receive a link to apply for your child. Please be aware that the application deadline is the 31st of October 2024. We will hold a support session with Miss Hughes and Mrs Macdonald on Monday, 7th October, starting at 9 am to assist with this process. If you need any help filling in the forms, please don't hesitate to contact Miss Hughes.

Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is open from 8:15 a.m. Please ensure you stay with your child until the staff opens the door; the door will be closed at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast is served to the children between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m., so arriving on time is important to ensure they have enough time to eat.

6B/G IntoUniversity
6B/G will be making their trip to IntoUniversity next week. The children will walk down to the centre, so please ensure they have a coat and sensible shoes. A school-packed lunch will be provided if your child is given a free school meal. If not, your child must bring a packed lunch for the full week. The children will send parents invites for their graduation ceremony at the end of the week at Leed University, so please look out for them.

School Lunches
All children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 are entitled to a free school lunch every day. From Year 3 onwards, children will need to bring a packed lunch or pay for a school dinner unless they are entitled to free school meals. If you are unsure, please come and speak to the office, which will help you make an application if necessary.

Welcome back, coffee morning
We are hosting a coffee morning on Monday. Please come and join us in the hall from 8:45 a.m. Our theme is "What can we do to help?"

Asda Rewards Cashpot for Schools
Can all our parents, carers, family, and friends please look at the following link, especially if you shop at Asda. This is a fantastic opportunity for our school to benefit every time you purchase something at Asda, no matter how small. Thank you!

Enjoy your weekend :o)