19th April 2024 | Newsletter
Co-op Champions
*Rahans *Petros *Madison *Emmanuel *Qais *Marta *Franklyn *Aminah
*Yamin *Kevwea *Ava *yenonnoma
Dear Parent/Carer
At the end of last year, we wrote to parents to explain our temporary change to the leadership structure at Co-op Academy Brownhill, which included my role as Executive Headteacher and the role of head of school.
I want to inform parents that Miss Shanks has accepted the permanent appointment as head of school at the Academy. I would like to congratulate Miss Shanks on her appointment and thank her for her commitment to taking on this role and her continued dedication to Brownhill. As an Academy, we are lucky to have someone who is genuinely passionate about our Academy and our community.
Mrs B Blanchfield
Welcome back
It has been lovely to see all the children back at school ready to learn this week. We had a wonderful first week. This week, we launched our inflatable extravaganza. The children will earn stamps for every full week in school. The more stamps they have, the longer they spend on the inflatables.
Year 6 SATs Breakfast Club
From next week, all Year 6’s are welcome to join us in school from 8.00 am for the SATs revision session. All children will be offered breakfast before the start of the school day. Below is a list of which subjects the staff will cover each day.
Monday - Maths Arithmetic
Tuesday - Maths Reasoning
Wednesday - Reading
Thursday - Maths Arithmetic
Friday - Spelling, punctuation and grammar.
The session will start next week and run for three weeks. SATs week begins on the 13th of May.
Class Charts
We are going to be moving all behaviour recording from Class Charts to Arbor. For approximately four weeks, your child’s points total will no longer be updated. After this, any positive or negative behaviour points will be shown on Arbor. Now would be a great time to make sure you have downloaded the Arbor app if you don’t have it already.
Reception Offers for September 2024
If Brownhill has been offered to you, please call the school and accept your place for September 2024. If you have children who will be Reception school age in September and you do not have a place, please call the office, who will help you.
Lost Property
If you have lost any school uniform items this week or before the Easter holiday, please come and check the lost property next week. Any unclaimed items will then be displayed in the playground at the end of the school day the following week.
Have a lovely weekend :o)