Ready to join our community and become part of Team Brownhill?
Apply for a Nursery place.
We offer part-time nursery places for children aged 3+. Children can join in September, January or April after they turn 3.
We provide challenging learning experiences that help develop our children’s independence. Opportunities to practise skills through play are abundant.
There are four schedules to choose from:
- Monday to Friday 8:45 am - 11:45 pm
- Monday to Friday 12:15 pm - 3:15 pm
- Monday, Tuesday 8:45 am - 3:15 pm and Wednesday 8:45 am - 11:45 pm
- Wednesday 12:15 pm - 3:15 pm and Thursday, Friday 8:45 am - 3:15 pm
To apply, call our main office or click below for our admissions form.
Reception through to Year 6
Deadline to apply for a Reception place – 15 January
For places in any year (apart from nursery)
You should apply on your local authority website.
Places are limited by the number of children we can (legally) accept in groups each year.
- If you live in an area that’s Leeds City Council –
- If you live in another area, find your local council here –
Apply for a reception place (if you have missed the deadline)
- If you live in an area that’s Leeds City Council –
- If you live in another area, find your local council here –
Move to us from another school
If you want to move school, get in touch, and we can help you get started. You can complete this online on your council’s website:
- If you live in an area that’s Leeds City Council –
- If you live in another area, find your local council here –
For support this, please contact the in-year transfer team –
Oversubscription Criteria
We admit up to 60 children to Reception annually – this is our PAN (Pupil Admission Number). If fewer than these apply, we offer a place to all applicants.
Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be admitted to the school named on their plan. These children are assigned places before the over-subscription criteria are applied.
We follow the Leeds Local Authority over-subscription criteria. These criteria have now been updated to include: “Children who were in state care outside of England and were then adopted”. We will consult on these new criteria in time for our September 2023 intake so that this criterion won’t apply to children starting at our academy in September 2022.
Leeds Local Authority may need evidence that you meet the priority criteria below.
- Submit your evidence here –
- Or use these forms – Priority 1A | Priority 1B
When there’s more applicants than places available
Priority 1
- Children in public care or fostered under an arrangement made by the local authority or previously looked after children by a Local Authority.
- Pupils without an EHC plan but with special educational needs or exceptional medical or mobility needs can only be met at Co-op Academy Brownhill.
Priority 2
Children with a sibling who’ll start school at the start of the academic year and are living at the same address
Priority 3
Children who live in the catchment area of Brownhill (as defined by Leeds City Council)
Find your catchment area here –
Priority 4
All other children
Tie Breaks
When there are more children meeting these priorities than places available, we offer places based on distance. Those living closer to the school will be offered a place (when measured in a straight line.
If you require help, your local council website has a lot of information about the process. You can also contact us.
Leeds City Council Admissions Website
Leeds City Council Admissions Helpline – 0113 222 4414