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20th October 2023 | Newsletter

English Hub visit
We had a visit from a phonics expert from the local English Hub this week. She watched all the phonics sessions and listened to individual children reading their books. She was impressed with all the children, how focused they were in their lessons and how quickly they were learning to read in Reception and Year 1. We were so proud of showing our visitors how amazing the children at Co-op Academy Brownhill are, and once again, they showed themselves off brilliantly.

Thank you
Thank you to all the Year 1 and Reception parents who attended this week's phonics information session. We have an amazing 52 parents attending. Phonics and early reading are some of the most important things we teach in those year groups. All children will come home in the coming weeks with the phonics packs given out at the event. One of the key messages from the event was how you can support school by listening to your child read their Little Wandle book at home.

Nasal flu vaccinations will be taking place on Monday 23rd October.
School photographs will be taking place on Wednesday, 25th October.

Dates for the diary
Training Day is Friday 27th October - school will be closed this day.
Half-term - Children will finish school at 3.15 pm on Thursday, 26th October, and school will reopen on Monday, 6th November at 8.45 am.

High School Forms
A reminder to all Year 6 parents and carers: the deadline for high school application forms is Tuesday, 31st October. If you need any support in filling these out, don't hesitate to contact Miss Hughes or Mrs Macdonald next week so they can help you meet the deadline.

Lunchtime supervisors
We are looking to hire lunchtime supervisors to support the children in the playground at lunchtime. You must be available to work between 11:50 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. daily. If interested, please pick up an application form from the main office.

School Photographs 
The school photographer will be at school on Wednesday 25th October. Please can your child wear their school uniform and their best smile.

Parents Governor needed - Please read the information attached to this post
We have a parent-governor vacancy on the Brownhill Academy Governing Body that we seek to fill by December 2023.
The parents of pupils elect parent governors at this school, and you may, if you wish, put yourself forward for election using the attached nomination form. Parents may self-nominate, but if a parent wishes to nominate another parent, they should seek their approval before submitting the nomination.

We hope you manage to avoid the rain and have a lovely weekend :o)