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22nd September 2023 | Newsletter

Bikes and Scooters in the playground

Please can we remind you that bikes and scooters should not be ridden in the playground. It is very busy at the end of the day, and we don’t want anyone getting hurt.


Medical forms

Your child will come home with a medical form letter today. If your child has any medical issues, including allergies, please return the form to the school office. If your child has asthma, please also complete the asthma plan form. It is important that our records are up-to-date.

Year 6 High Schools

Leeds East Academy /  Thursday 28 September /  6 - 8pm

Trinity Academy Leeds /  Thursday 28 September /  6 - 8pm
Mount St Mary’s Catholic High School / Thursday 28 September /  6.30 - 8.30pm
Coop Academy Leeds /  Thursday 5 October / 2.30 - 6pm
Corpus Christi Catholic College /  Thursday 5 October /  5 - 8pm (The Principal will speak at 6pm)

Brownhill Sporting Success

This week, a group of Year 5 pupils participated in a bench-ball competition at Co-op Academy Leeds and came home with the gold medal.

Coming soon…

Over the next few weeks, we will hold parent sessions on phonics and Year 6 SATs information sessions. Dates will be confirmed next week.

Year 6 Residential

Next week, all children in Year 6 will be getting an information booklet and letter about our residential at Robinwood. Letters will give information on the dates and cost of the residential.

Have a lovely weekend :o)