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27th November 2020 | Newsletter

27th November 2020 | Newsletter

Christmas Attendance Awards

Over the next three weeks, children who attend school every day will be able to pick a prize from the Christmas attendance trolley!

The trolley will visit each class and children who attended all day every day (from the previous week) will be able to choose a weekly prize. If your child is asked to self isolate they can still receive a prize by ensuring that they complete work sent to them on Google Classroom or via paper for pupils in Year 1 and Reception. Providing your child completes their daily work they will still get to visit the trolley when they return to school.

Remote Learning

Please ensure that if your child does miss school due to isolation, or when a family member is awaiting a test, that your child completes their work on google classroom. School can help by supplying a chrome book and if needed internet access. When you call to tell us about your child’s absence please make sure you tell staff what you need to support your child’s home learning. 

Children in Need

Thank you to all those who sent in a donation for Children in Need.

We managed to raise £287! Well done Brownhill. 

Consent for photos and videos

You should have received an updated form requesting levels of consent for photograph and video use. Please can you complete and send this back as soon as possible. We’ll need this information when filming this years Christmas performance. Any filming will only include those children who have parental consent to use videos on the internet and for wider use.

Please know that all pupils will join in with Christmas performances but only those with permission will be filmed. You have the right to change consent at any time. 

Christmas Food Bank collection

After what has been a difficult and challenging year for us all we have decided to still collect food donations for the Trussel Food Bank to try and help those families that need extra support over Christmas.

Brownhill families have always been very generous and supported this cause well, so any donation is much appreciated.

Items welcome :

  • Tinned Goods
  • Dried Pasta
  • Rice 
  • Biscuits
  • Crisps
  • Crackers
  • Breadsticks
  • Bottle or long life Juices
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Cereals
  • Sugar
  • Toiletries – deodorants, baby wipes, toilet roll, toothpaste, sanitary items. 

Items can be dropped off in the boxes that will be outside in the playground. Again thank you for your support.

Relationships and Sex Education Survey

Apologies if you have tried to complete the Relationships survey and not been able to. We have had a slight problem which should now be fixed.

New deadline – December 5th 

Christmas Jumper Day

We will be celebrating Christmas jumper day on Friday 11th December in aid of Save the Children. All donations will be warmly welcomed.