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18th December 2020 | Newsletter

18th December 2020 | Newsletter

Thank you and Merry Christmas

Thank you for all your support this term, and we hope you have an amazing enjoyable, socially distanced Christmas.

Co-op Champions

*Fanuale *Freya *Lacey *Esther *Keira *Eyobel *Luciana *Daria *Lilly *Mason *Ebony-Grace *Suhaan *Iman *Jeylani

Join our Twitter community

This term we have shared so much on Twitter, from videos of our school Christmas garden to pictures of children in class working. We love to be able to share with you and enjoy reading parents comments. Join today and find us @brownhillleeds

Positive COVID cases

Please remember if your child develops symptoms on Saturday or Sunday and then tests positive for COVID you must inform school using this number 07970894655 (please note this number is different to the school office as the school office will be closed). Please call or text this number with your child’s name, class and contact details and a member of staff will call you back. It is really important that we continue to trace possible contacts into the Christmas holiday to avoid putting families at risk.

Should your child be identified as a close contact you will receive a text, a letter by e-mail (ParentMail) and a follow up phone call to ensure you have received your self-isolation details.

Relationship Education

Our specialist Relationship Education providers ‘BigTalk’ will be visiting on Wednesday 6th January 2021. If you would like more information on this visit, then please follow the links below. There will also be a virtual ‘parents drop-in’ session on Zoom for which you will soon receive a link.

Here is the link to the parent’s area of their website:

This part is particularly useful as it includes Frequently Asked Questions:

Here ‘Big Talk’ explains what is covered with which year group:                                                                            

Polite Reminder

Please remember the staggered start and finish times when we return on Monday 4th January. Some parents and children are still coming to school at the wrong times and this is making social distancing more difficult.

Reception    Start 9:00     Finish 3:00                                                                                                                                                                                       Year 1           Start 8:50     Finish 2:50   –  Year 2           Start 8:55     Finish 2:55                                                                                                               Year 3           Start 8:45     Finish 2:45   –  Year 4           Start 8:50     Finish 2:50                                                                                                             Year 5           Start 8:55     Finish 2:55   –  Year 6           Start 8:45     Finish 2:45