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29th January 2021 | Newsletter

29th January 2021 | Newsletter

The government has announced that schools will not reopen after half term and that the earliest date for reopening will by 8th March, we will continue to update with information on this as soon as we receive it. We continue to miss all our pupils who are not on-site and we are also extremely proud of all pupils engaging with remote learning. Thank you also to all parents who are supporting and encouraging children to complete their work daily. You are making a huge difference.

Next week you will receive a short survey about our remote learning offer and we would appreciate your feedback. We will look to gain parental feedback in guiding us on how to improve on our remote offer. Thank you in advance for your support in completing this.

Co-op Champions 22nd and 29th

*Tejiri *Damian *Habtom *Anton *Aniyah *Las *Najib *Jack *Ayokunmi *Victoria *Clara *Emelia-Mae *Rufta *Lajé-Renne

*Olivia *Yunata *Kasey-Leigh *Rufta  *Wayame *Jenny *Amen  *Rijad *Sophia  *Katrin *Syeda *Aabidah *jeylani

Free School Meal Vouchers.

From this week those entitled to free school meals will receive a £15 voucher per week per child which can be redeemed in a number of local supermarkets. Please note this offer is only available for families eligible for free school meals. It is important that you confirm with the school your accurate e-mail address by completing the ParentMail form or by contacting the school office. We need to be assured that we have correct details before we can request a voucher on your behalf. Delay in contacting the school will lead to a delay in obtaining vouchers. If for any reason you do not have an active email account please ring the school office and we will make alternative arrangements. Once your email address has been confirmed please check your emails regularly so that you can obtain your voucher. These will hopefully be with you today or Monday.

Top Tips for remote learning.

Visit our school website for details of our remote learning offer and for top tips on how to support your child at home as well as additional sites to use should you want to.

Twitter Champions.

This week’s Twitter champions are the Gill family and the Ellis family. We love seeing pictures of your children learning so don’t’ forget to tag us into your posts.