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26th February 2021 | Newsletter

26th February 2021 | Newsletter

The news that we have all been waiting for has finally arrived, and we are extremely pleased to inform you that following the government’s announcement we will be able open to all pupils from Monday 8th March. 

Over the next week, school will be working on updating our risk assessments to ensure that we are doing everything possible to minimise the spread of COVID. This will include returning to staggered starts for all pupils, regular hand hygiene, increased classroom cleaning and class size bubbles.  

We will need to have the full support of all families in ensuring that these measures are implemented successfully and therefore we kindly request that all parents wear face coverings when entering the school playground and ensure that staggered start and finish times are kept to, as this avoids large numbers of parents gathering on the playground at once. 

Attendance from Monday 8th of March, the government has announced, will be mandatory. We understand that parents may still have concerns about pupils returning to school and therefore we encourage any parent who might be worried  to call school and speak to one of the schools pastoral team so that we can address any concerns with you personally. Call 01132489539 and ask to speak to Mrs Mullarkey. 

Thank you for your continued support and for all the hard work you have put into supporting your child with their learning during this lockdown. The teachers and leaders at Brownhill have been amazed at how well families have engaged with learning.

Virtual Parents Consultations

Parent Consultations will be held on Tuesday 23rd March and Wednesday 24th March This term we intend to run the session through a live virtual platform allowing you to have face to face discussions with your child’s teacher. As previously each appointment will last 10 mins and allow you the opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and progress. In order to ensure that parents have access to this we need to have the correct email addresses for all parents. Please ensure if you change email addresses that you inform the school office so you continue to receive all the correct information from school.  More information regarding this will follow.

Cooking Breakfast with Mr Haige-Scott

On Friday 5th March Mr Haige-Scott will be doing his first live breakfast cook along session for any child that wishes to join him. The idea is that children can join from home and cook a healthy breakfast alongside Mr Haige Scott. This week he will be teaching the children to  cook scrambled eggs. All you need to do to join is:

1. Look out for the registration form sent through on parent mail and sign your child up for the session. (Please note in signing up for the session you will be agreeing to ensuring that an adult is available at home to support with the cooking session)

2. Look out for the invite to join the special google cooking classroom. 

3. Ensure that by Friday your child has access to the following: eggs, bread, toaster, small pan, wooden spoon or similar. 

4. Log on to the google cooking classroom at 8:00 am on Friday 5th March.