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21st May 2021 | Newsletter

21st May 2021 | Newsletter

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of another half term and that we will soon be entering our last term before the Summer break. One of our main focuses this term has been on the development of children’s vocabulary across all subject areas. Teachers introduce pupils to a variety of words that will help them in learning of knowledge and concepts. It has been great to see this vocabulary then make its way into children’s everyday conversation and also into the written work. Children in year 4 have been learning about the meaning of society, parliament and law, whilst pupils in year 2 have been learning vocabulary related to seaside towns such as bay, and pier. It  is important that new words are used as often as possible so that they are remembered. If you would like to support your child with this please ask them what new words they have learnt and ask them to explain what they mean. This will really help with their understanding.

We’re looking for Parents Governors

Do you have an interest in improving the futures of children? A desire to make a difference? A willingness to accept responsibility? The ability to work in a team, ask questions, listen and learn? A belief in our co-operative values? If this is you we need your skills. For more information please read the accompanying letter.

Attendance ‘All day, everyday’

Good attendance is very important and increases your child’s success in learning. Despite challenges this year we are committed to improving attendance for all pupils in school. Please make sure your child is in school every day and arrives on time.

Next term good attendance could also equal prizes. Each week a pupil from each year group with 100% attendance will be chosen and will be able to choose a prize of their choice. Children who have 100% attendance from the 7th June to 17th July will be entered into a prize draw and one lucky winner will win their own bike.

Free School Meals

Families who receive free school meals will receive a £15 food voucher per child. Vouchers will be sent by email or post.

Face masks.

Please wear face masks on the playground. This will help us to minimise the number of cases in school and in the wider community.

Spare Uniform

Thank you to those families who given us unused school uniform. We are able to pass this on to families who need it. Your support is really appreciated.

Scooters and bikes

Please do not ride scooters or bikes on the school playground.

COVID tests

If your child has a temperature, new cough or loss of taste or smell they will need to get a COVID test. Children who are waiting for test results must not enter school and siblings must also stay at home until the test results have been received. If your child has a positive test during the holiday please inform the school by calling 07970 894655.

Half Term

School closes on Friday 28th May at 3:15 and re-opens at 8:45 on monday 7th June.