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2nd July 2021 | Newsletter

2nd July 2021 | Newsletter

This week pupils in year 1 to 6 have been completing end of year assessments. Despite a difficult year with many challenges we are seeing lots of fantastic results and we are proud of the way pupils have approached their learning. Last Friday we were also visited by the CEO of Co-op Academies Trust, Chris Tomlinson as well as other members from the Trust team. All were extremely impressed with how well our pupils engaged  with their learning and with their excellent behaviour and attitudes to work. 


All parents will receive end of year reports on Wednesday 21st July. 

Parent Governor

Parent Governor applications have now closed.

I would like to thank Kathleen Pearson, our current parent governor for her service to the school during her time with us. She has worked tirelessly to improve parking and traffic as well as being a positive voice for the parents of the school. Thank you for your excellent commitment to our school and the community it serves. 

Sports day

Due to Covid restrictions we are unable to invite parents to sports day this year, however pupils will still be taking part in this event which has been organised to ensure bubbles are not mixed.

Positive Covid cases

After such a long time without any positive COVID cases we unfortunately had to close two bubbles this week. I know this is both hugely frustrating and concerning for parents but we continue to do everything we can and in line with our risk assessment to minimise the risk in schools. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions.

Please can we remind parents to get PCR tests if your child has symptoms. 

If your child has a positive test over a weekend you can inform school by calling 07970894655