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10th September 2021 | Newsletter

10th September 2021 | Newsletter

We are at the end of the first week and I could not be more impressed with how well the children have settled into their learning. The atmosphere in the school is vibrant and every child has had an exceptional start to the year. It has been great to see children learning and enjoying school in a more normal environment. Children from Year 1 -6 are now eating school lunches in the school hall. They are now seated in class in groups again and we are able to meet together with pupils from other year groups. Thank you to all parents and carers who have ensured that children are on time, in school and in school uniform. Your children look fantastic. 

Change of address, email or phone number

All communications with parents will now be sent via parent mail by email or text. It is important that you keep us up to date with any changes so that you do not miss any important information. If any of your details have changed please contact the school on 0113249539. 

Behaviour policy 

At the end of the last term, Mr Weetman met with a significant group of pupils in school to gain their views on pupil behaviour and school rules and over the summer holiday we have been working on changes to our school behaviour policy. We have made a few changes to the school rules, sanctions and rewards making sure that we have taken into consideration the views of the children. Before we put this into place we want to ensure that we also have the views of our parents. Next week we will send all parents a draft copy of our policy and a short questionnaire so that we can gain your thoughts and opinions. Please help us by completing the survey honestly as we value your thoughts. 

The Christmas shop is back!!!

I am really pleased to let the children know that our Christmas shop is back this year. Due to covid, we have had to cancel or alter the way we have shared rewards for good attendance but we can now begin to plan a more normal year and this includes planning for our Christmas shop. The shop is used to reward children for good attendance at school and to thank them for their dedication to learning. 

Each full week of education will earn your child a stamp and this, in turn, will give them 50p to spend in the shop. An additional £1.00 will be given to all children who have 100% attendance starting from next week.  A total of £10 could be earned to spend in the shop before it opens in the last week of term. 

So that your child can have the most money to spend in the shop they need to be at school every day. Please remember if your child is later than 9.10 they will not earn their stamp.

Gate opening

A quick reminder that at the end of the school day the pedestrian gate will open at 15:05. This is so that our children can continue outdoor learning for as long as possible and ensure that the site remains secure as long as possible. 

School uniform support

Just a reminder that we do have our second-hand uniform support shop for those families who may need to have additional help in purchasing school uniforms. Please speak to Mrs Mcdonald or contact the school if we can help in any way.