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17th September 2021 | Newsletter

17th September 2021 | Newsletter

We are now into our second week of the term and the children have settled well into their new routines and learning. Thank you to parents for supporting them and us by ensuring they have the correct uniform, PE kit and that they arrive at school on time. 

Skill Building

We have partnered with the Skills Builder programme to deliver an essential skills curriculum to all pupils at Brownhill. The aim is to teach children in all year groups 8 essential skills of, listening, speaking, problem-solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork. Each half term we will focus on one area, children will be given weekly lessons on these skills and teachers and support staff will encourage them to use these skills in their work, play and home life. We believe these skills will support children in all elements of their life not just in primary school but also as they transition into high school, college, university and work. 

This term’s skill is Aiming High- We are teaching children to take on challenges and push themselves to be successful in new situations, have high aspirations and expectations on themselves as well as set themselves goals to achieve these challenges. Perhaps to support your child you could ask them to explain to you what aiming high means to them. 

Packed Lunch

Can we remind parents that sweets should not be included in Packed lunches. 

Whole School Attendance

Well done to all those children who have 100% attendance so far this term. Children who attend every day find learning much easier as every lesson builds on the last lesson and therefore missing a lesson means missed knowledge. 

Currently, whole school attendance is 95.9%. This is extremely close to our whole school target of 96% so thank you for all your hard work let’s keep this up to ensure our children get the best education.   

A special congratulations to 2H who have the best year group attendance of 99.3% 


As mentioned in previous communications with parents, the school is no longer responsible for track and trace when a child or adult has a positive covid test. We are therefore not always able to inform parents when covid cases have been identified in classes and will not be sending individual letters out as we have done in the past. 

Where we have been informed of positive cases any close contacts will be contacted by NHS track and trace. 

To ensure the safety of all our pupils in school please remember that if your child has symptoms: 

  1. Temperature
  2. Continuous new cough
  3. Loss of taste or smell

They must not attend school but must get a PCR.