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15th October 2021 | Newsletter

15th October 2021 | Newsletter

Co-op Champion

*Iacov *Florjan *Stefan *Samon *Osmara *Alisha *Jamie-Leigh *Lexie *Laje-Renee *Yerusalem *Micah *Matiwos *Luca *Ndicku

Gallery of work in school this week

Up-date on Parental Survey (Your Voice)

Since our last parent survey in March, I wanted to update you on our actions.

You said you didn’t know how to make contact with parent governors and what their role was.

We sent details about a governor’s role and what would involve.

We appointed new parent governors 

We informed you of who had been appointed.

If you would like to make contact with any of our governors please send an email to brow-  and entitle it FOA of parent governors. 

You said there have not been sufficient opportunities for you to visit the academy. 

We acknowledge that this has been difficult during Covid and we are now in a position to be able to welcome parents back in. 

We have sent a questionnaire to parents to find out what opportunities you would find most beneficial. 

You said that you were not always clear about behaviour strategies and school rules.

We have re-written the behaviour policy and shared this with all parents. 96% of parents said that in the new policy the rules, rewards and sanctions were clear. 

We will continue to work on improving our Academy based on the collective views of our parents. 

Year 6 high school applications

A reminder to all parents of year 6 pupils that the 31st of October is the deadline for applications for high school. 

Parents consultations

The date for the diary Parents Consultations will be held on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th November. More details will be shared after the October break. 

Aim High Family Task

Think of something that happens many times during the day in your household – like boiling the kettle to make a hot drink, or opening the fridge door. Each time it happens, challenge yourself to have what has become known as an ‘exercise snack’.  Do a quick exercise like 10-star jumps or sit-ups – whatever you fancy.  The idea is to get your body moving. Set yourself a goal of having maybe 3 exercise snacks in the day.  

Extension: Can you keep this going for a week or longer? Could you ask others to join you in your ‘exercise snacking’?

Reflection Questions

Beginner: How do you know if something is too difficult for you?

Intermediate: Why is it important to be willing to take on new challenges?

Advanced: What resources might you need to achieve your goals?

Expert: What steps do you need to put in place to make your goals happen?