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7th October 2022 | Newsletter

7th October 2022 | Newsletter

Co-op Champion Co-op Champion

*Sola *Poppy *Las *Lilly-Mae *Sophia *Bryan *Daniya *Suhaan *Omar *Callum *Yostina  *Luca

Black History Month

We started the week with a whole school assembly about black history month, celebrating successes and important figures. This is learning that the children will now be continuing in class over the next month.  Children across the Academy are also working on this term’s skill of being positive and it is really special to hear how they are using this to help overcome difficulties in their learning. 

Book Shed

Just a reminder that all books in the book shed are free and children are encouraged to take these home and read them at home. If it is open just take a book no need to ask. If you have any books that you no longer wish to keep at home we are always looking for donations to keep our book shed fully stocked. Learning and enjoying reading is the single most important thing we can learn at school and the more we read the better we get.  

School Photographs

All children who attended the academy on Tuesday 4th October should have received a school photograph form. Please can orders be placed by returning the form to the school office by Tuesday 11th.

School punctuality

We wanted to say a big thank you to all families who are working hard to get children in school by 8:45. You really are making a difference for your child. 

School uniform

We have been really impressed by the standard of school uniform this year.  Children look really smart and represent the Academy really well. We do have some second hand uniform for any family who might need this and we are always happy to help if this is the case. In line with government guidance we have also ensured that our uniform policy this year enables parents to get the cheapest possible options and does not require pupils to have more expensive logo items. You can still purchase these but they are not a requirement. 

Enjoy your weekend, Brownhill