December Newsletter 2024

Dates for the Diary:
School closes at 3.15 pm on Friday 20th December, and it will reopen at 8.45 am on Monday 6th January.
Monday 13th January - Big Talk will be visiting the school; there is a parent drop-in session in the hall at 8.45am if anyone has any questions.
Mrs Merrill
Mrs Merrill will be starting her maternity leave on the 6th of January. I’m sure you will join us in wishing Mrs Merrill our best wishes for her time off. Miss Whiteing and Ms Lacken will continue to look after the class in Reception for the rest of the year. We look forward to seeing Mrs Merrill when she returns.
Christmas Light Switch on - Thank you.
A massive thank you to all the families who came along to switch our Christmas light on and make it so special. Another massive thank you to Mr Ingle for the time, hard work, and dedication he puts in year after year, which makes this such a memorable experience for all of our families. This really is a labour of love, and many hours are spent in the evenings and weekends. Another thank you to Mr Smith and Mr Walker for the support and help they have given Mr Ingle this year.
Christmas Concerts
Thank you to all the families and friends who have come to see our Christmas productions, 4 of the 5 performances were completely full. I am sure you would agree that the performances were brilliant and have certainly helped put us all into the Christmas spirit. An extra well done to all the children who had individual speaking parts, speaking loudly and clearly in front of an audience is a difficult task and they all did a fantastic job.
A special thank you to the Brownhill community for the support you have given the school over the last term, the children have made an incredible start to the academic year and we are very excited about the year ahead. We hope you have a happy and safe break, and we look forward to seeing everyone in the new year.
Have a lovely holiday, see you all in the New Year :o