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5th February 2021 | Newsletter

5th February 2021 | Newsletter

Co-op Champions.

*Tejiri *Renato *Khady *Callum *Madjiguene *Anton *Jenny *Lillie-Mae *Aroush *Maja *Nandu *Donai *Khadija *Arslan *Lola

Another week of remote learning completed and another snow day. Our focus this week has been on mental health, such an important topic for our children at this time. Children have been doing everything from yoga, meditation to activities in the snow around expressing themselves. Well done to all involved and thank you for sharing your lovely photographs and videos with us. Please remember that if you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing that school are here to help and advise.

Here are a few websites that you may like to visit if you think your child is finding things challenging in these difficult times.                                                                                                

Free School Meal Vouchers.

All families entitled to free school meals should now have received an e-voucher via e-mail or post this week. These vouchers are equivalent to £15 per child per week and cover two weeks,  the week of 1st February and 8th February.  Once you have activated your code the voucher may take up to 24hrs to be redeemed. Please understand that once the code has been activated school will be unable to reallocate if they are lost. If you do not think you have received your entitlement please ring and we will be able to check that the email has gone to the correct address and resend if necessary.

Holiday Free School Meals.

During the October half term, the government voucher scheme is not available for families to access. However, the Winter grant scheme will provide schools with funding. You will therefore receive an additional voucher to the value of £15 per child for this week 15th February. Unfortunately, these vouchers must be sourced from an alternative provider and therefore the email that you receive may look slightly different to the one you received this week. We appreciate that the voucher scheme is often complicated and we will do the best to support families but please bear with us as it is new to us too.

Remote Learning questionnaire.

We would like to thank all those parents and carers who took the time to complete our questionnaire about remote learning and especially those who took the time to send positive messages to the staff. The overwhelming response was hugely positive and for those parents who had individual comments or concerns, we intend to follow these up with you individually so that we can address these. The survey will stay live until February 12th so there is still plenty of time to share your views.

Twitter Champions.

We had lots of pictures this week especially of children enjoying the snow and completing wellbeing challenges. Well done to Isabella R, Jack H, Emelia, M, Kyle G, Sam and Clara E.