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11th June 2021 | Newsletter

11th June 2021 | Newsletter

It is great to see all pupils back after the half term holiday and I have been really impressed with focus and learning across school. 

Children in reception have been working hard on their phonics sound oi, ow and are and they have really enjoyed their new role play area in the garden.  In Year 1 the children were excited to tell me about their instruction writing. Year 2 children have focussed on telling time this week, whilst Year 3 have started their new art topic by looking at secondary colours and experimenting with this. Year 4 have been completing their viking tunics and Year 5 have been looking at how to stay safe on the streets, gangs and county line.  Finally year 6 have been learning about cyber bullying and ways to keep safe. This is just a snap shot of some of the fantastic learning that has taken place in just one week back at school. I can’t wait to see what they achieve next week. 

We’re looking for Parents Governors

Do you have an interest in improving the futures of children? A desire to make a difference? A willingness to accept responsibility? The ability to work in a team, ask questions, listen and learn? A belief in our co-operative values? If this is you we need your skills. For more information please follow the link: Parent-Governor

Attendance Rewards

Our attendance reward for this term has now begun. All children who have a full week of attendance will be entered into a prize draw and at the end of the week, one winner will be picked from each year group. All children who have 100% attendance by the end of the term will be entered into a final prize draw with a chance to win their very own bike. 

Well done to Year 6 this week who had an overall attendance of 96% Excellent work

Face Masks on the Playground

Leeds COVID cases have doubled in the last two weeks mostly due to the new Delta variant. We must work extra hard to ensure that we keep pupils in the schoolsafe. Adults must wear facemasks when collecting from the playground. Please help us to keep your children safe.

Collection Times

Please stick to your child’s start and finish time. Now the weather is warmer, many parents are attending school earlier than necessary to collect their children and dropping pupils off too early.  This is not helping to keep social distance in the playground. Without these measure we are putting more adults and children at risk which could lead to more cases in school and bubble closures. 

Reception start 9:00 Finish 3:00

Year 1 Start 8:50 Finish 2:50

Year 2 Start 8:55 Finish 2:55

Year 3 Start 8:45 Finish 2:45

Year 4 Start 8:50 Finish 2:50

Year 5 Start 8:55 Finish 2:55

Year 6 Start 8:45 Finish 2:45