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24th September 2021 | Newsletter

24th September 2021 | Newsletter

Last week we told all parents about our whole school skill-building curriculum and how we are teaching all children to Aim high in their learning, and in life. It has been great to see so many children working hard towards this goal especially in lessons. We would also like to see children using these same skills at home. For example, setting themselves challenges which help them to get better in play or with the family. This might be aiming high and improving their fitness by doing 20 mins exercise a day or improving their reading by reading every night for 20 minutes. It might also be improving their cooking skills by helping parents out with cooking dinner. 

We would love for parents to share stories of how their child is aiming high at home. You can do this through a post on Twitter (Don’t forget to tag us in your post: @brownhillleeds ) by telling the class teacher or by emailing us at just title your email ‘Aiming high’. 


If you would like further information about Brownhill’s safeguarding policies and practices or need more information about who to contact if you have concerns please visit

Our designated safeguarding lead in school is Mrs E Kennedy and Mrs J Summers. 

Upcoming High school open evenings.

Leeds East Academy – Thursday 30 September, 6-8 pm

Trinity Academy, Wednesday 29 September, 5-7 pm

Please note this is a bookable event

Coop Academy Leeds – Wednesday 6 October, 4-6 pm

Temple Moor High School – Saturday 2 October, 10 am-1 pm

National Online Safety 

As a school, we are working closely with National online safety. They provide us with resources and training to ensure that we keep children at Brownhill safe. We would love you to join us and follow the link below so that you can also have access to these great resources.