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Eating a healthy and balanced lunch is vital to a child’s learning.

As your school’s new catering provider, Taylor Shaw sees food differently. We have over 20 years of experience delivering delicious, nutritious and varied meals in schools across the UK. Your school’s friendly catering team are here to give you a fresh food experience! The dining room provides a wide selection of freshly prepared delicious meals, coupled with the best service experience in the industry.

Spring and Summer 2024 will start with Week 1 on the 15th of April, the first day back after the Easter Holidays.

Medical Diets

As your child’s school caterer, Taylor Shaw aims to ensure that children with allergies and intolerances are supported and receive a tasty, nutritious, and safe meal. Our dietitians and catering teams work together and follow a robust process, so you can feel reassured that an alternative menu will be provided for your child whenever safely possible.

Check it out here: Medical Diets.

Children can either bring a packed lunch or have a school dinner. We encourage all meals to be healthy and nutritious.

As part of our ongoing mission in the UK to encourage children to eat more veg and make it easier for parents and carers to add more veg to children’s lunch boxes. Recent research from Leeds University found that only one in five children had vegetables or salad in their packed lunch. 
To support parents and make this task as simple as possible, here is a ’60 Second Lunch-box Hacks’ PDF with easy-to-implement ideas.


To make lunchtime even more appealing and easier we have a special way of doing things

Your child will choose their meal every morning and be given a colour-coded wristband.

  • Green – Green Earth Day
  • Red – Meat option
  • Blue – Halal option
  • Yellow – Sandwich / Jacket potatoes

Free Dinners

If you are entitled to free school dinners, you must first apply for them. Call Leeds City Council on 0113 222 4404 to apply or visit the One-Stop Centre at the Compton Centre (Harehills Lane).

Please apply, even if your child is in reception, year one or year 2. This will ensure we are correctly funded (under the Pupil Premium provision).

Leeds City Council Website – School Meals

   Portions of Fruit or Veg        Wholegrain    50% Fruit           Oily fish                Contains plant-based proteins.

Dinner prices

  • Year 3 / Year 6 Per day: £2.65
  • Per week: £13.25 – to be paid on Monday for that week.
  • Nursery per day: £2.30
  • Per week: £11.55 – to be paid on Monday for that week.

Year Reception to Year 2 is entitled to a free lunch meal.

Please bring the money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class and the correct amount written on the front.

If paying by cheque, please address Co-op Academies Trust T/A Brownhill.

We are pleased to say the school office can now accept card payments. This will be for all payments: dinner money, school trips and residential.

Need help? 

 If you need any help, please pop into the main office.

Please see our main office to

  • Pay for school dinners
  • Choose your preference of either school dinner or packed lunch for the half-term.
  • Ask questions about free school dinners
  • Let us know about your child’s diets, allergies or intolerances.