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Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Policy details

Date created - 03/09/2023

Date shared with AGC - 09/05/24

Next review date - 09/05/2025

Attendance policy

Co-op Academy Brownhills vision is to ‘give the best possible start to education for all its pupils’ through ‘removing barriers to our children to ensure they achieve’. This is our attendance policy which will support our work towards achieving this by ensuring that our children have consistent access to school through good school attendance.

1. Vision and aims

Our whole school vision states:

Co-op Academy Brownhill ensures everything we do is driven by our belief that all pupils can and will achieve. It is our goal to empower children through high-quality education to develop, demonstrate and value knowledge and skills that build a foundation for life-long learning. We are committed to the families we serve and to providing a positive, safe and inclusive environment where all are valued, everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.

Our curriculum is ambitious and focuses on what the children and community need. Our Academy is focused on removing barriers to our children to ensure they achieve.

Brownhill will make a positive difference to its community, becoming central to raising aspirations and forming supportive connections with a range of agencies.

For this reason, we show a commitment to our obligations with regards to school attendance by:

  • Promoting good attendance and reducing absence, including persistent absence
  • Ensuring every pupil has access to full-time education to which they are entitled
  • Acting early to address patterns of absence

We will also support parents to perform their legal duty to ensure their children of compulsory school age attend regularly, and will promote and support punctuality in attending lessons.

For children of non-compulsory school age, we will apply the principles of this policy to encourage good attendance and punctuality from the outset.

Attendance Expectations

The Academy day starts at 8:45 and finishes at 3:15. We expect that all children attend school on time and pupils who arrive after 8.45 will be recorded as late in the class register.

It is expected that pupils attend the Academy every day and our motto is ‘All Day Every Day’

2. Legislation and guidance

This policy meets the requirements of the working together to improve school attendance from the Department for Education (DfE), and refers to the DfE’s statutory guidance on school attendance parental responsibility measures. These documents are drawn from the following legislation setting out the legal powers and duties that govern school attendance:

● Part 6 of The Education Act 1996

● Part 3 of The Education Act 2002

● Part 7 of The Education and Inspections Act 2006

● The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (and 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016 amendments)

● The Education (Penalty Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013

This policy also refers to the DfE’s guidance on the school census, which explains the persistent absence threshold.

3. Roles and responsibilities

3.1 The Trust and the local governing board

The governing board is responsible for monitoring attendance figures for the whole school on at least a termly basis. It also holds the headteacher to account for the implementation of this policy.

3.2 The headteacher 

  • The headteacher is responsible for:
  •  Implementation of this policy at the academy
  •  Monitoring academy level absence data and reporting it to governors and the trust
  • Supporting staff with monitoring the attendance of individual pupils
  •  Issuing fixed-penalty notices, where necessary

3.3 The attendance strategic lead

  • The attendance strategic lead:
  •  Monitors attendance data across the academy and at an individual pupil level
  •  Analyses and reports attendance data to the headteacher each half term
  •  Works with education welfare officers to tackle and avoid persistent absence
  •  Arranges calls and meetings with parents to discuss attendance issues
  •  Advises the headteacher when to issue fixed-penalty notices

3.4 Attendance Officer

  •  Follows the first day procedures for absence
  •  Provides formal and informal support for identified pupils and their parents/carers

      ●     Feedbacks monthly to the attendance strategic lead regarding attendance of pupils causing concern

  •  Actively promotes attendance incentives and make suggestions for strategies to improve attendance

3.5 Class teachers

  • Class teachers are responsible for recording attendance on a daily basis, using the correct codes, and submitting this information to the school office.
  • Implement the curriculum effectively. Leaders have deliberately selected content to promote careers, ambition and economic security. Teachers must ensure that they make appropriate links between attendance and achievement at school and how these aspects support pupils’ opportunities in their adult lives.
  • Actively promote own class and whole school attendance incentives, and make suggestions for strategies to improve attendance. Create an interactive attendance display in their classroom which is referred to daily and links with specific rewards.
  • Approach attendance and punctuality issues with pupils rigorously and sensitively.
  • Ensure that pupils returning to class after an absence or lateness are approached with sensitivity, are checked on and integrated into learning.

3.6 Academy admin staff

Academy admin staff take calls from parents about absence and record it on the academy system.

They will encourage parents to bring their child to school if only mild ailments are reported. Similarly with medical appointments - admin staff encourage parents to arrange appointments outside of academy times and request medical notes and letters where parents are saying that children have planned absence to attend appointments.

3.7 Parent Carers

Parents/carers are expected to:

  • Make sure their child attends every on-time
  •  Call the academy to report their child’s absence before 8:30 on the day of the absence and each subsequent day of absence), and advise when they are expected to return.
  •  Provide the academy with more than 1 emergency contact number for their child.
  • Ensure that, where possible, appointments for their child are made outside of the school day

4. Recording attendance

4.1 Attendance register

Pupils must arrive in school by 8.45am on each school day. The register for the morning session will be taken at 8.45am and doors will close no later than 8:47 am. The register for the afternoon session will be taken within 10 minutes of children starting their afternoon lessons.

4.2 Unplanned absence

The pupil’s parent/carer must notify the school on the first day of an unplanned absence by 8:45am or as soon as practically possible (see also section 7).

Parents must either call the school office to report their child’s absence. Parents calling the academy office will either speak to the academy admin staff or leave a voice message. For any child where absence has not been reported the academy will in the first instance make a call to the family. Additionally, If a parent of a pupil on the monitoring list (i.e. with attendance below 93% or a previous history of low attendance) has not spoken directly to a member of staff, a member of staff will call them back to discuss the absence with them.

Where a child’s attendance has fallen below 96% school staff will ask the pupil’s parent/carer to provide medical evidence, such as a doctor’s note, prescription, appointment card or other appropriate form of evidence to show the reason for the absence. If the academy is not provided with this evidence, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and parents/carers will be notified of this.

4.2 Planned absence

We encourage parents/carers to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the pupil should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary.

Attending a medical or dental appointment will be counted as authorised as long as the pupil’s parent/carer notifies the academy in advance of the appointment and supplies evidence of the appointment, which will be scanned and put into the child’s record.

The pupil’s parent/carer must also apply for other types of term-time absence as far in advance as possible of the requested absence. Go to section 5 to find out which term-time absences the school can authorise.

4.3Lateness and punctuality

A pupil who arrives late:

  • After 8.45am but before 9:15 am will be marked as late, using the appropriate ‘L’ code
  •  After 9.15am will be marked as absent, using a U code.

The attendance and pastoral team will greet parents/carers and pupils arriving late and will record the reason given for lateness. This will be monitored weekly.

Where a child is late parents and carers must inform the Academy of the reason for lateness this can be done by speaking to the staff on arrival or by phoning in advance. Where this has not happened staff will make contact.

In the event that a child has been late, a reminder text  will be sent to parents to advise of the school’s expectations and start and finish times. This will be carried out weekly.

4.4 Following up absence 

Where any child we expect to attend school does not attend and parents have not spoken or made contact with the Academy  by 9.15am the Attendance officer /academy Admin staff will:

  • Follow up on their absence with their parent/carer to ascertain the reason, through a phone call.
  • Ensure proper safeguarding action is taken where necessary.
  • If a parent is not contactable, all contacts from the child’s home address will be used to find out where the child is and what the reason for the absence is, further contacts may be used if this is not successful.
  • If no contact is made; there is an existing safeguarding issue: or attendance is a concern, a home visit will be carried out.
  • During home visits, if there is no response, a note asking the parents to contact us (see appendix 2) will be posted through the letter box.
  • If the child's safety could not be verified, 101 would  be called and a welfare check would be requested.

4.5 Children missing in education

We will make reasonable enquiries for pupils who aren't attending or who are leaving. This includes:

  •  Completing home visits including speaking to neighbours to confirm the family has left
  •  Telephoning all known contacts
  •  Speaking to school friends and/or their parents
  •  Requesting copies of flight information
  •  Asking for the address the family is moving to
  •  Checking which school a child is expected to attend
  •  Requesting working contact details for parents including email addresses

Once pupils meet any of the criteria listed here, the Attendance officer will refer to the local authority CME team :

  •  Pupil has not returned to school for 20 days after an authorised absence
  •  Pupil has been absent without authorisation for 20 consecutive days
  •  Pupil has moved to another local authority but have not enrolled at a new school
  • Pupil has left the country*

*In line with local authority guidance, pupils who leave the country are always referred to the CME team, regardless of whether or not parents/carers provide a forwarding address.

4.6 Reporting to parents

School reports to parents every half term through a colour coded letter (in an envelope) which states their child’s individual attendance percentage. This will explain to the parents whether their child has attendance of 97-100% (green), 97.9- 97% (yellow) 96.9 -95% (amber), 94.9 - 93% (Purple) 92.9- 90% (Blue)  or is a persistent absentee below 90% (red). These letters contain appropriate information and guidance on what this attendance means in terms of lost learning time and how to support any improvements.

Teachers report on attendance to parents on three occasions throughout the academic year. Two of these are as part of parents’ evenings where the teacher gives the child’s current attendance and outlines the impact this has had on their learning. At the end of the school year, the end of year attendance figure is included in the end of year report.  

Class attendance rates will be communicated to parents each week via the newsletter.

5. Authorised and unauthorised absence

5.1 Approval for term-time absence

The headteacher will only grant a leave of absence to pupils during term time if they consider there to be 'exceptional circumstances'. A leave of absence is granted at the headteacher’s discretion.

If you would like to apply for special leave please contact Vikki Highes on 01132489539 or visit the Academy office to collect a form.

The school considers each application for term-time absence individually, taking into account the specific facts, circumstances and relevant context behind the request. This includes the child’s previous attendance to that date including previous academic years.

Valid reasons for authorised absence include:

  • Illness and medical/dental appointments (see sections 4.2 and 4.3 for more detail)
  •  Religious observance – where one day is exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which the pupil’s parents belong. If necessary, the school will seek advice from the parents’ religious body to confirm whether the day is set apart.
  • Traveller pupils travelling for occupational purposes – this covers Roma, English and Welsh Gypsies, Irish and Scottish Travellers, Showmen (fairground people) and Circus people, Bargees (occupational boat dwellers) and New Travellers. Absence may be authorised only when a Traveller family is known to be travelling for occupational purposes and has agreed this with the school but it is not known whether the pupil is attending educational provision.

5.2 Improving attendance

Our school rewards good attendance and challenges low or falling attendance. We understand that low attendance is detrimental to children’s life chances. We therefore take the following steps:


In assembly each Friday, we celebrate the class with the highest attendance percentage. The class get a certificate  that they can display in their classroom and they also get an additional 15 minute class break time.

At the end of each term, the class that has earned the best attendance will be given a reward issued by the class teacher on the final afternoon before the holidays.

Each term, we also celebrate the pupils who have an attendance record of 100%. Certificates and are awarded to these pupils during the end-of-term assembly Additionally children can collect their 100% bronze (one term) Silver (two terms) or gold (all year) badge.  The parents/carers of these children are also entered into a raffle for a £50 gift voucher.

At the end of the year, we celebrate pupils who have an attendance record of 100% for the whole school year. These pupils receive a reward and their parents are invited to a celebration assembly and receive a prize to acknowledge their efforts.

We raise the profile of attendance through:

  • Displays and signage around the school
  • Curriculum links to careers through all subjects
  • Our PSHE curriculum, including Economic Education
  • Assemblies

6.Attendance monitoring

Monitoring attendance

The Academy will:

  •  Monitor attendance and absence data half-termly, termly and yearly across the school and at an individual pupil level
  •   Identify whether or not there are particular groups of children whose absences may be a cause for concern
  • Pupil-level absence data will be collected each term and published at national and local authority level through the DfE's school absence national statistics releases. The underlying school-level absence data is published alongside the national statistics. The school will compare attendance data to the national average, and share this with the governing board.

Analysing attendance

The Academy will:

  • Analyse attendance and absence data regularly to identify pupils or cohorts that need additional support with their attendance, and use this analysis to provide targeted support to these pupils and their families
  •   Look at historic and emerging patterns of attendance and absence, and then develop strategies to address these patterns

Using data to improve attendance

The Academy will:

  • Provide regular attendance reports to class teachers, and other school leaders, to facilitate discussions with pupils and families
  •   Use data to monitor and evaluate the impact of any interventions put in place in order to modify them and inform future strategies

Category                                Level        Attendance        Chance of Achieving  good Grades

Perfect Attendance                        1        100%                94.8%                           

Excellent Attendance                        2        98-99.9%        94.8%

Risk of Underachieving                        3        97 - 97.9%        74.3%

Risk of Underachieving                        4        95 - 96.9%        74.3%

Serious risk of underperforming                5        93 - 94.9%        60.4%

Serious risk of underperforming                6        90 -92.9%        34.7%

Extreme risk of underperforming                7        90 % Below        26.7% 

Category                        Action

Perfect Attendance                Celebrate, reward and recognition. Attendance award badge given.

Excellent Attendance                Celebrate, reward and recognition. Attendance award badge given.

Risk of Underachieving                Prevention of attendance slipping:  Phone calls & texts sent to Parentst

Risk of Underachieving                Early Intervention: Informal chats with parents and text reminders.

Serious risk of underperforming        Letter sent to parents of the importance and the need to improve.

Serious risk of underperforming        Targeted Intervention See Below

Extreme risk of underperforming        Targeted Intervention See Below

Challenging very poor attendance ( 93% or below)

Identifying low attendance

  • The Attendance officer will check each week for pupils who are persistently absent (less than 90%) or at risk of becoming persistently absent (93% or below).

Stage 1: Communication

  • Written communication is sent to parents to let them know that their child’s attendance is at risk or has become persistent, the effect this has on potential learning and advice on what we want to see an improvement.

Monitoring low attendance

Stage 2: Any further absences in the two to four  weeks following the Stage 1 communication

  • Any further absences in the next two to four weeks will result in parents being invited to a meeting to discuss the concerns with a member of the team.
  • The school agrees an action plan with parents and where appropriate child at the meeting. The Pastoral Manager sends parents an updated weekly figure whilst the child is on an attendance action plan.
  • The Pastoral Manager makes home visits every time there is an absence and reports.

If attendance has improved

  • This is acknowledged with parents/carers. The Stage 1 action plan will continue to be in place until the pupil’s attendance rises to an agreed.

If attendance has not improved

  • Attendance has not improved once on an action plan. •Parent of the child asked to attend a meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team
  • Stage 2 action plan is agreed and parent contract is signed. Targets are established and support is put in place by the school.

If the targets are met

  • This is acknowledged with parents/carers. The Stage 2 action plan will continue to be in place until the pupil’s attendance rises above to an agreed level. This includes a weekly attendance figure being sent to parents.

Stage 3: The targets from the contract are not met.

  • The School contacts the local Cluster support and an attendance officer is assigned to the family
  • Parents of the child are asked to attend a meeting with the attendance officer and school.
  • Targets are re-established with next steps identified

If the targets are met

  • This is acknowledged with parents/carers and the pupil’s attendance continues to be closely monitored. The Stage 2 action plan will continue to be in place until the pupil’s attendance rises to the agreed level.

Stage 4: The targets are still not met and prosecution is sought.

  • The case is referred to the Local Authority for consideration. See below for details of legal sanctions.

6.1 Legal sanctions

The school or local authority can fine parents for the unauthorised absence of their child from school, where the child is of compulsory school age.

Under the provision of Section 444 of the Education Act 1996, parents/carers are legally responsible for ensuring their children attend school regularly and on time.

Once a child’s school attendance deteriorates to below PA (Persistent Absentee) level school are expected to refer a family to the Cluster Attendance Officer.   An Attendance Officer will monitor school attendance and support families to improve their child/rens school attendance however if the legal expectations (90% over a review period) are not achieved this will result in legal action in court being taken by the Local Authority.

This could result in a fine of up to £2000 per parent, a parenting order, or a custodial sentence.  This will also result in a criminal record for parents.   This is action that we would rather not take and would prefer to work with you to improve school attendance.      

7. Monitoring arrangements 

This policy will be reviewed as guidance from the local authority or DfE is updated, and as a minimum every year by Beverley Blanchfield Head Teacher At every review, the policy will be approved by the full governing board.

8. Links with other policies

This policy links to the following policies:

  • Child protection and safeguarding policy
  •  Behaviour policy

Appendix 1: attendance codes

Code        Definition                                Scenario

/        Present (am)                                Pupil is present at morning registration

\        Present (pm)                                Pupil is present at afternoon registration

L        Late arrival                                Pupil arrives late before register has closed

B        Off-site educational activity                Pupil at a educational activity approved by the school

D        Dual registered                        Pupil is at another setting where they are also registered

J        Interview                                Pupil at an interview with prospective employer/educational establishment

P        Sporting activity                        Pupil is at supervised sporting activity approved by the school

V        Educational trip or visit                Pupil - educational visit/trip organised/approved, by the school

W        Work experience                        Pupil is on a work experience placement

Authorised absence

C        Authorised leave of absence                Pupil granted a leave of absence due to exceptional circumstances

E        Excluded                                Pupil has been excluded but no alternative provision has been made

H        Authorised holiday                        Pupil allowed to go on holiday due to exceptional circumstances

I        Illness                                        School IS notified that a pupil will be absent due to illness

M        Medical/dental appointment                Pupil is at a medical or dental appointment

R        Religious observance                        Pupil is taking part in a day of religious observance

S        Study leave                                Year 11 pupil on study leave during their  public examinations

T        Gypsy, Roma and traveller                Pupil from a traveller community is travelling, as agreed with the school

Unauthorised absence

G        Unauthorised holiday                        Pupil is on a holiday that was not approved by the school

N        Reason not provided                        Pupil is absent for an unknown reason (this code should be amended when the reason emerges, or replaced with code O if no reason for absence has been provided after a reasonable amount of time)

O        Unauthorised absence                School is not satisfied with reason for pupil's absence

U        Arrival after registration                Pupil arrived at school after the register closed

Code        Definition                                Scenario

X        Not required to be in school                Pupil of non-compulsory school age is not required to attend

Y        Unable to attend due to exceptional        School site is closed, there is disruption to travel as a result of a local/national emergency, or pupil is in custody circumstances

Z        Pupil not on admission register        Register set up but pupil has not yet joined the school

#        Planned school closure                Whole or partial school closure due to half-term/bank holiday/INSET day